Bessere Arbeit mit Vorlagen für Adobe FrameMaker

Die Techwriters FrameMaker-Vorlage - Graue Version

$10.00 pro Stück


A4 - Portrait
1 column
Version 2020 (16)
Settings for PDF
Unstructured FrameMaker

The TechWriters Template serves two purposes:

  1. It forms a basis for the The FrameMaker Template System (Read more about the The FrameMaker Template System here)
  2. It is an efficient template which is super focused on writing!

The TechWriters Template is a template meant for one thing only: writing!

Writers want to write and hate being distracted by "layout stuff". Many writers prefer to do their writing in Word and then import their text into FrameMaker for layout and further editing.

We have created a FrameMaker template which looks and feels like writing in Word, but we have added some of the and strong features which FrameMaker can provide.

  • Basic page size in A4 with metric units
  • General font is Calibri. Calibri is versatile, supports a fair number of languages and looks a little more modern

Special TechWriter feature

  • Special "note headings" for Warning, Danger, Notice and Info

Compatibility and interface like Word

  • Nine heading levels. But why nine, exactly?

    There are several reasons
  • Because MSWord has 9 heading levels, so if you want to import Wordfiles you can match all heading levels.
  • HTML supports 6 levels of headings and you might quite possibly want to export your document to HTML
  • We have added two QUOTE styles for easier integration with Microsoft Word.

 Special FrameMaker features

  • We have added an "Anchor" paragraph style. A common way to handle tables and anchored frames, is to place the anchor in a separate style. That makes it much easier to handle page flow and design. So why not add this useful paragraph style from the beginning?. 
  • Color settings in the tables match the color styling of the template. 
  • Bullet styles to acommodate two level of bullets - closed and open.
  • We have added predefined tab settings in numbered and bullet styles as well as in body and heading levels making it easy to do indented text
  • We have added three object styles for anchored frames, making it WAY easier to insert images in fixed sizes. You can insert frames which are quarter sized, half sized and full sized
  • We have also added an extra Character style for bullets, to make it easier to work with different bullet looks.
  • Settings file (STS file) for publishng to PDF
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Graphic design and development in Adobe Technical Communication Suite
V. Bjørn Smalbro

Engdraget 76
2500 Valby
Phone: 20 96 09 19


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