Contents of a template file from

Contents of the zip file
“Full Template with Graphics”
“Responsive HTML5”
“The settings file”
How to use the settings file
Publish + Graphics

Contents of the zip file

When you have done your purchase and downloaded the zipped template file, this is what you will get when the zip file has been unpacked.
In the zip file you will find these 5 folders. 

“Full Template with Graphics”

The folder “Full Template with Graphics” is the FrameMaker book file along with all the documents and linked graphics that are needed to display and communicate the entire formatting of the template. It is a complete project, and you should be able to open the book file all the documents with out any dialogues.


The “MIF” folder holds a MIF version of the entire template. It is essentially a copy of the “Full Template with Graphics” folder, only in MIF file format. 
The book file can be recognized by the naming, which will look something like this: “Template file name (Book file).mif”. In order to make it work, you will have to rename the extension from *.mif to *.book.
MIF version. I have chosen to go with MIF version 2022. I believe you should be able to open the files in prior versions of Adobe FrameMaker too.


Depending on which template you have bought, you will find this folder hierarchy in the “Publish” folder.


“The PDF folder” holds a PDF version of the entire template made using the enclosed settings file.

“Responsive HTML5”

The “Responsive HTML5” folder holds an HTML5 version of the entire template.
In order to view the HTML5 version, you will need to open the folder and click on “Index.html”.

“The settings file”

The settings file is used for publishing your documents. 

How to use the settings file

In or der to use the settings file, you will need to open it in the “Publish” panel.

Open the Settings File

1: Open the Publish panel. File->Publish

2: Open the settings file by clicking the “Change Settings” icon

You should be aware that the settings file holds both the print and HTML5 settings used for creating the outputs you can see in the “Publish” folder. 

Insert the Output Folder

Use the “Browse Output Path” to navigate to a folder where you want your published output to be, whether it be PDF or HTML5.
Some settings files are highly customized. While they are open to whatever edits you may wish to add, they are not replaceable by a new, default settings file without you loosing whatever customizations that have been made.


The “Sample” folder holds a complete FrameMaker book with all documents and graphics.

It is a mock manual made to show how the template will look on something resembling a real live FrameMaker project. Everything is there in terms of graphics and formatting, allowing you to play around with the template and see how it works.

Publish + Graphics

Inside the “Samples” folder, you will find a folder name “Graphics” and a folder named “Publish”.

The “Graphics” folder holds all the grapichs that have been linked into the Sample project + some source files allowing you to modify or recreate graphics files.

The “Publish” folder holds the published versions of the sample, which is usually a pdf and an HTML5 version.


The actual template. This is the folder you will copy to the URL: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe FrameMaker 2022\Templates

When you have copied the “Template” folder to the new location, you can access it using the command, “New File From Template” on the "WelcomeScreen"

Files that reside in that location are write protected. This means that when you open a template file, it will open as an “Untitled” document.

Please be aware that the URL may look different on your machine depending on which version of Adobe FrameMaker you have installed. 

So you may need to replace the text string with 2020 rather than 2022 or an even prior version.


Graphic design and development in Adobe Technical Communication Suite
V. Bjørn Smalbro

Engdraget 76
2500 Valby
Phone: 20 96 09 19


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