The "Cristalino A6" template is meant for the many small manuals, which are sent along with the enormous amount of small electrical devices like toothbrushes, drills and shavers. These manuals have been designed with two goals in mind: to be small and cheap. That is why they are printed in A6 (105 mm x 148 mm) on thin paper and in black and white.
The design has been optimised to save space, which is why we have incorporated the dynamic Table of Contents in the front page. The book file has been set up to handle multiple languages and we have put along an english and a german chapter. We have designed a couple of table styles and made some object styles for image frames.
The type is based on Candara, which is a font that ships with Windows 10 + the font "Tables" which is a free pictogram font. The font "Tables" can be downloaded here.
We have incorporated an STS file which allows to publish as Print Ready PDF with cropmarks.
About the name: Cristalino is a fairly new variety of tequila. It is made by filtering all color pigments out of an aged tequila like an "Anejo". The result is a clear, transparant tequila, which has (somewhat) the taste of an aged tequila.
Created: 11. of February 2021
Graphics files included:
FrameMaker Book file
FrameMaker files
FrameMaker MIF files
STS file for publishing to PDF